Power Sector Reform Tracker (PSRT)

Power Sector Reform Tracker (PSRT)

This archive contains the first edition of the Power Sector Reform Tracker (PSRT). Created by the Initiative for Sustainable Energy Policy (ISEP), the database includes data for 142 non-OECD countries on eight types of power sector reforms: liberalization law, corporatization, independent regulatory agency, independent power producers, unbundling, privatization, wholesale electricity markets, and choice of supplier. The database covers years 1982-2013. The archive also contains a replication package for the analysis presented in Urpelainen and Yang (forthcoming).

You can use the data for any non-commercial purposes, provided you include a complete citation of the dataset and two research articles:
Urpelainen, Johannes; Yang, Joonseok, Initiative for Sustainable Energy Policy (ISEP). 2018. Power Sector Reform Tracker, V1.
Urpelainen, Johannes and Joonseok Yang. Forthcoming. “Global Patterns of Power Sector Reform, 1982-2013.” Energy Strategy Reviews.
Erdogdu, Erkan. 2011. “What Happened to Efficiency in Electricity Industries after Reforms?” Energy Policy 39 (10): 6551–6560.

Available at Harvard Dataverse