
ISEP Proudly Organises Washington D.C. Energy Dialogues as an Academic Partner
On May 15, 2019, Energy Dialogues and Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies hosted representatives from government, industry, academia, and the non-profit sector to consider current energy issues, including how to move towards a lower-carbon energy future. This edition of the City Series, organized by Energy Dialogues, is designed to bring together experts from all stages of the energy value chain to connect and form partnerships through in-depth discussion of energy’s role in the economy and the world at large.
This dialogue focused on trade talks and energy, the Green New Deal, solutions to eliminating energy poverty, and consumer behavior in a rapidly transforming energy landscape. The trade panel addressed the impact of ongoing trade tensions and negotiations, as well as economic sanctions, on U.S. energy exports. Under the Green New Deal theme, participants debated the role of the federal government versus the states and cities in the energy transition. The panel on energy poverty analyzed how to achieve universal energy access while limiting environmental impacts. The ability and willingness of consumers to respond to dynamic pricing and growing optionality in electricity use was the focus of the discussion of changing consumer behavior in a rapidly transforming energy landscape.
The themes of the dialogue were addressed through panel discussions and in roundtables where participants were organized into working groups. The City Series opened with a greeting by Ken Calder, Vice Dean for Faculty Affairs and International Research Cooperation of Johns Hopkins SAIS.
The summary of the dialogue can be accessed here.