“My goal is to help lay the foundation for the long-term, global growth of sustainable energy, water, food & feed production & use, ending the world’s ‘addiction’ to petroleum and creating new sources of wealth, especially in rural communities.”
Present Employment/Project: Clean Tech Consultant/Leatherstocking LLC
Expertise: Biomass & biofuels; energy policy; energy efficiency; bio-based products & bio-power; marine renewable energy; hydrogen fuel cells; nexus of agriculture, energy & water
Background: Policy & advocacy; government/regulations/legal
Douglas L. Faulkner brings over two decades of leadership in both the private and public sectors promoting sustainability technologies. He is the President of Leatherstocking LLC, a clean-tech consulting firm, and the co-founder of Jacob’s Ladder Energy Group, which helps houses of worship cut their utility bills. He served President George W. Bush as a senior political appointee leading multi-billion dollar agencies at both the Departments of Energy and Agriculture. SAIS awarded him a MA in 1979, after he studied at the University of Singapore as a Rotary International Scholar.