Matto Mildenberger
Matto Mildenberger

Matto Mildenberger is Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of California Santa Barbara, where he also holds appointments in Bren School of Environment & Management and in the Department of Environmental Studies. His research examines our anemic political response to climate change. What explains the gap between the climate threat’s severity and policy responses? When and how do countries pass climate reforms? How do publics and elites make sense of climate change? He received his PhD from the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies at Yale University.

At UCSB, Matto co-leads the Energy and Environmental Transitions (ENVENT) Lab. Current work examines domestic climate policymaking in the shadow of the Paris Climate Agreement and the effects experienced climate change on attitudes and political behaviors. His research has been published in such venues as the American Political Science Review, the British Journal of Political Science, Nature Climate Change, Climatic Change, and Global Environmental Change. A forthcoming book from MIT Press provides a new theory to explain cross-national differences in the timing and content of carbon pricing policies.

Lab website: www.enventlab.com