Rui Wang
Rui Wang

Rui Wang specializes in the public policy analysis for sustainable development, especially on issues related to cities or China. Rui’s research appears in the areas of public policy, economics, and natural science and has been covered in the Atlantic, Harvard Business Review, Los Angeles Times and New York Times. He also gave invited talks at the China Finance 40 Forum, Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Los Angeles World Affairs Council, RAND, World Bank, and numerous academic conferences and institutions. His works on California’s local climate actions, China’s urban household carbon emissions, and parking in China’s cities were cited by the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report.

Rui is the inaugural SAIS China Yeung Family Endowed Scholar and a steering committee member of the Johns Hopkins 21st Century Cities Initiative. He serves on the editorial boards of Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment and USDOT’s Journal of Transportation and Statistics. He has consulted for Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning and Design, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the World Bank.

Rui earned his bachelor’s degrees in Geography and Economics from Peking University and a Ph.D. in Public Policy from the Harvard Kennedy School. He taught at UCLA before joining SAIS.