
Monday, Aug 19, 2019

ISEP to Study and Support Sustainable Energy Transition in India

The Initiative for Sustainable Energy Policy (ISEP) has received a grant from the Stichting SED Fund to support and assess policies to promote decarbonisation and clean energy transition in India.

With high-quality research and strategic engagement with key Indian policymakers and partner organizations in the Indian civil society, ISEP will present analytical tools and policy recommendations that will facilitate this transition. Under this grant, ISEP will research the challenges in the energy sector, collect relevant data, and construct systems models/integrated assessment models that allow rigorous scenario analysis over the coming decades.

“India’s power sector is at a turning point”, says Prof Johannes Urpelainen, ISEP’s Founding Director and project lead for this study. “While renewable energy offers an unprecedented opportunity for decarbonization in India’s power sector, managing the clean energy transition requires dealing with social, economic, and institutional challenges. We, at ISEP, are delighted to offer cutting-edge social and behavioral science to analyse this transition in India.”