This archive contains the first edition of the Power Sector Reform Tracker (PSRT). Created by the Initiative for Sustainable Energy Policy (ISEP), the database includes data for 142 non-OECD countries on eight types of power sector reforms: liberalization law, corporatization, independent regulatory agency, independent power producers, unbundling, privatization, wholesale electricity markets, and choice of supplier. The database covers years 1982-2013. The archive also contains a replication package for the analysis presented in Urpelainen and Yang (forthcoming).
You can use the data for any non-commercial purposes, provided you include a complete citation of the dataset and two research articles:
Urpelainen, Johannes; Yang, Joonseok, Initiative for Sustainable Energy Policy (ISEP). 2018. Power Sector Reform Tracker, V1.
Urpelainen, Johannes and Joonseok Yang. Forthcoming. “Global Patterns of Power Sector Reform, 1982-2013.” Energy Strategy Reviews.
Erdogdu, Erkan. 2011. “What Happened to Efficiency in Electricity Industries after Reforms?” Energy Policy 39 (10): 6551–6560.
Available at Harvard Dataverse