Tisura has a unique background in engineering, economics and public policy. He graduated with an M.A. from the Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in 2018, with a concentration in Energy, Resources and Environment and International Economics. He previously worked as a Research Assistant with the Edison Electric Institute in Washington D.C. supporting Transport Electrification efforts of U.S. Investor Owned Electric Companies. He studied proposed State and local legislation at public utility commission (PUC) proceedings to understand best practices and lessons learnt from past EVSE filings. He was also a student consultant for the Center for a New Economy (Centro para la Nueva Economía) to propose reforms for the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) on long term grid resilience and financial sustainability. His expertise and exposure include a broad range of topics covering the electricity industry from creating markets in electricity grid infrastructure to network economics in telecommunications and transportation infrastructure. He has working experience in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and has advised on long term natural gas policy for the provincial government of British Columbia. He enjoys working on electricity regulation and incentives to support the needs of the 21st century Grid, and to better design the power grid to support a more cleaner future systems of mobility and transpiration. He believes in support for more customer choice and clean energy in the grid. He wants to be involved in policymaking for the future where electricity grid plays a bigger role in support clean and innovative transportation options.
In Sri Lanka, he was a researcher at the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) advising the Ministry of National Policies and Economic Affairs under the Prime Minister’s Office and also a researcher at the Bandaranaike Centre for International Studies (BCIS) functioning under the office of the President. He was a volunteer for the Public Representations Committee on Constitutional Reforms in Sri Lanka and Save the Children in Sri Lanka