Ziyu Wang
Ziyu Wang

Ziyu Wang is an incoming PhD Student in the division of Energy, Resources and Environment at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University. Her research interests focus on the allocations and impacts of China’s outward energy finance. Also, she is interested in the dynamics of air pollution and social justice in China to investigate how policy reforms can be truly sustainable and fair during the energy transition.

Ziyu holds a Master of Science in Sustainable Development from University of St. Andrews, a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish and a Bachelor of Arts in Media from Communication University of China. Prior to joining ISEP, Ziyu has worked at UNDP China Office as project assistant, managing multilateral projects in energy resources and international development.

As an ISEP student fellow, Ziyu is currently working on projects related to air pollution and public awareness in China, China’s energy development finance in the Belt and Road Initiative.